Environmental Resources

Monmouth County has jurisdiction of CR 537, however the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides the funding for this project. Any transportation projects receiving Federal funding must also follow the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Bureau of Environmental Resources (BEPR) oversees this aspect of the project in cooperation with Monmouth County and NJTPA. They coordinate with the permitting agencies, such as NJDEP and NJSHPO (New Jersey State Historic Preservation Office), to develop a cohesive plan for proposed improvements. The agencies look carefully at comments from the public, therefore community involvement is an important part of the environmental process and moving the project forward with consensus and environmental compliance.

The LCD Study Phase required the identification of any environmental concerns and to develop an environmental profile. When analyzing alternatives, the Project Team looked to avoid or minimize environmental impacts and, if that was not possible, then to provide mitigation. The environmental resources include air, noise, hazardous or contaminated sites, parks, wetlands, water resources, social and economic impacts, and cultural resources such as historic structures and facilities.

During the LPE Phase environmental and cultural resource studies were continued. The results of the environmental screening and cultural resource studies, which are part of the project schedule, were presented at the public meetings. Environmental mitigation and permitting are part of the FD Phase.

Environmental Screening Map

© 2024 County Route 537 (CR 537) West Main Street Corridor Roadway Improvements. Website designed by Stokes Creative Group, Inc.
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